Tell some one you LOVE them with this very simple classic card. Only three colours are used.The black and white and one other colour theme always works.Start with a very rich coloured red card stock.Size to measure 8 1/2 x 5 1/2.Score and fold.Measure and cut white card stock sized to 5x4 .From Under Construction's Mugs and Kisses stamp ink with black Tom Bow marker only the X and heart.Repeat this three times.Colour last heart in the row red.Cut card stock close to images.Cut black card stock just large enough to form a frame around these images. Cut red card stock to form frame around black card stock. Adhere all these layers together .With a stardust pen out line all Xs and hearts.On last heart that you have coloured red add glossy accents for dimension.Using your stardust pen outline white and black frame.Send to who ever needs some lovin!